OSHA Experience:
1. OSHA Inspections – Mr. Peterson participated in opening conferences, accompanied OSHA Compliance Officers during compliance inspections, and participated in closing conferences relative to 69 OSHA inspections conducted over a 40-year period. During the most recent 10 years of Mr. Peterson’s management of OSHA matters, OSHA conducted 16 inspections of his company’s projects but found only one violation in total; this single violation was classified as an “Other” violation (not “Serious”) with no monetary penalty.
2. OSHA Citations Contested – Mr. Peterson has contested citations, attended informal conferences, negotiated with Solicitors, and attended trials before Administrative Law Judges.
3. Pro Se Representation – Mr. Peterson represented his company (pro se) before Administrative Law Judges in four OSHA cases.
4. Testimony – Mr. Peterson testified at two OSHA negotiated rulemaking fact-finding hearings:
- Steel Erection Negotiated Rulemaking Advisory Committee (SENRAC)
- Crane and Derrick Advisory Committee (CDAC)
5. Partnership
- Safety and Health Partnership for Excellence (SHAPE) partnership with the U.S. Department of Labor (OSHA) – Mr. Peterson served for 15 years on the AGC Houston Task Force Committee that negotiated and maintained the partnership agreement.
- OSHA / AGC SHAPE Associate partnership agreement – On December 16, 2003, Mr. Peterson executed with OSHA the first such agreement in the country for a specialty contractor and he subsequently maintained the partnership through December of 2012.
6. OSHA Regulations – Mr. Peterson’s knowledge of OSHA regulations is a result of:
a. Interaction with OSHA regarding the above matters
b. Receipt of training from third parties, and
c. Self-study of the following written materials:
- OSHA regulations
- OSHA guidelines
- OSHA directives
- OSHA letters of interpretation
- OSHA-provided safety training materials and booklets
- Articles related to OSHA found in peer-reviewed safety journals
© Copyright 2003-2025 Homer R. Peterson II